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1774 images found




Hose assemblies, marking after testing




ZVA Slimline 2 GR

ZVA Slimline 2 GR

Automatic nozzle with vapour recovery, flowrate up to 45 l / min.

UTL 50 universal hose with MannTek Dry Disconnect Coupling DDC-M 65 - 21/2" Ms

UTL 50 universal hose with MannTek Dry Disconnect Coupling DDC-M 65 - 21/2" Ms

ZVG 2 K (Korea)

ZVG 2 K (Korea)

uncoupling from J 15 filler connection

Sideway storage of hose assemblies, tank truck for petrol station delivery

Sideway storage of hose assemblies, tank truck for petrol station delivery

LG 3" hose assembly for gravity discharge, LG 2" hose assembly for vapour balance

ZVA Slimline 2

ZVA Slimline 2

with Sight Glass

ZVA Slimline 2

ZVA Slimline 2

Automatic nozzle DN 19, for flowrate max. 80 l / min. Green Product Sleeve and Scuffguard, Slimline dispensing hose assembly

Universal hose assembly for vehicles fighting dangerous goods incidents:

Universal hose assembly for vehicles fighting dangerous goods incidents:

Aspiration hose PTFE 32 length 2,1 mtr., one side VKC 32.50 SS/Vi SS, other side open

Ship loading Naphta - STW 150 hose assemblies

Ship loading Naphta - STW 150 hose assemblies



"Orange Band" Rubber Expansion Joints for L.P. Gas, road tanker



Cap with 3" female BSP thread, stainless steel

Road tanker reel with HD 50 hose assembly, ZV 500 nozzle

Road tanker reel with HD 50 hose assembly, ZV 500 nozzle

BD 63, HD 63 C

BD 63, HD 63 C

Aircraft refuelling hoses with ELAFLEX Hose Beads 'BD'. Details see Information 7.17

ZVF 50 AVGAS overwing refuelling

ZVF 50 AVGAS overwing refuelling

with HD-C hose assembly

HD 50 C, HD 10 C

HD 50 C, HD 10 C

Yellow band aircraft refuelling hose and sensing hose

ZVF 50 helicopter refuelling with HD-C hose assembly

ZVF 50 helicopter refuelling with HD-C hose assembly


FWS composite hoses / hose assemblies

FWS composite hoses / hose assemblies

Type FWS PTFE with male threaded fitting, Type FWS PP with Camlock coupling, Type FWS VR with "TW" female coupler MK

Oasis NGV / CNG Refuelling Equipment

Oasis NGV / CNG Refuelling Equipment

Terminal loadingarm

Terminal loadingarm


SPANNLOC bolted safety clamps of aluminium

SPANNLOC bolted safety clamps of aluminium

SC 75 Al

DDC-M 80-3" Ms

DDC-M 80-3" Ms

MannTek Dry Disconnect Coupling, DN 80, gunmetal



Stock commisioning system

DDC-K 2 1/2" PE

DDC-K 2 1/2" PE

Dust cap for DDC-V Dry Disconnect Couplings;
• Meets the ADR requirements
• Enhanced safety and protects the environment
• Easy, user friendly operation

Hose Reel Spring Rewind, ZVA Slimline 2 blue

Hose Reel Spring Rewind, ZVA Slimline 2 blue

Oasis FV103 45° Fill Valve with NC 203 P36 Nozzle, for CNG

Oasis FV103 45° Fill Valve with NC 203 P36 Nozzle, for CNG



Nozzle stock, ZVA Slimline 2 GR

IBC Adapter RS S60x2 SS

IBC Adapter RS S60x2 SS

Slimline 21 yellow

Slimline 21 yellow

Quality petrol pump hose for gasoline and diesel fuels. Also suitable for fuels with ethanol content up to E 85 and Biodiesel up to B 30 (BIO Type up to B 100). Meets weights and measures regulations, see overleaf. Cold flexible down to - 30° C / - 22° F (LT-type down to - 40° C / - 40° F). Corresponds to EN 1360 and EN 13483.

Section view ERV-R Rubber Expansion Joint

Section view ERV-R Rubber Expansion Joint

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