
ELAFLEX at LPG Week 2024

Focus on the potential of LPG – ELAFLEX at LPG Week 2024 More

ELAFLEX at Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2024

Safe handling of hydrogen – ELAFLEX at Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2024 More

ELAFLEX at Fuel & Gas Logistics 2024

Safe handling of liquids and gases – ELAFLEX at Fuel & Gas Logistics 2024 More


ELAFLEX presents at SMM 2024 products for supplying ships with alternative fuels More


ELAFLEX at ACHEMA 2024 – safe and innovative solutions for the process industry More

CNG Refuelling for passenger cars

The ELAFLEX CNG Refuelling System – proven quality and maximum safety More

ELAFLEX at UNITI expo 2024

ELAFLEX presents refuelling technology for solving future-relevant tasks at UNITI expo 2024 More

ELAFLEX acquires a majority stake in ditec group

The ELAFLEX Group has acquired a majority stake in the German supplier and manufacturer ditec, best known as expansion joint manufacturer. More

ELAFLEX Opens New U.S. Subsidiary

ELAFLEX HIBY group opens a new presence in the greater Los Angeles area. The ELAFLEX US office will supply fuel products for Propane, CNG, LNG, H2 and aircraft refueling sectors. More

ZV SW Nozzle for Screen Water Dispensing

The non-automatic closing nozzle has a flow rate of 20 l/min. This allows a fast and clean filling of screen water tanks from a dispenser. More

SGB GmbH becomes Part of the ELAFLEX Group

Together in the future. The ELAFLEX HIBY Group has acquired the German supplier and manufacturer of leak detection technology SGB GmbH. More

ELAFLEX was Sponsor of Event at the PEI 2022 in Las Vegas

ELAFLEX was the sponsor and host of a luncheon for Latin American members and visitors to the Convention. The event had record attendance, and those present received valuable information about the benefits of belonging to the PEI. More

New Refuelling Products for Alternative Fuels

ELAFLEX has presented new technical refuelling solutions for H2, CNG and other fuels and fluids at the UNITI expo 2022 in Stuttgart. Some of our highlights. More

LNG Refuelling Products – Reliable and Safe

We now provide well-developed components for a safe and easy-to-use LNG bus and truck refuelling. More

Air Traffic Trade becomes Part of the ELAFLEX Group

The existing operations will be run with the same staff under the leadership of the new managing director Niklas Nagorny. More

ELAFLEX News @ Inter Airport 2021

We exhibited together with Aljac and MannTek in Hall B6 / Stand 464 and presented these products. More

Stefan Kunter elected new CECOD president

Stefan Kunter, CEO of ELAFLEX, is the new leader of the European manufacturers' association CECOD for a period of two years. More

New Technical Documentation for Hose Connectors and Safety Breaks

Our new catalogue pages (4 pagers) provide detailed technical information about hose connectors and Safety Breaks. More

Hose Trolley 'HTR-T' for Terminal Operations

New developed: Hose trolley range 'HTR' to ease the handling of large hose assemblies and to additionally increase longevity. More

Frank De Poli appointed as new President of the PEI Latin American Committee

Frank De Poli, Regional Director of ELAFLEX Latin America, has been named Chairman of the Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI) Latin America Committee for 2021. More

Find 'E 20' Spare Parts quickly and request them easily

The new online version of the 'E 20 Spare Parts Overview' clearly displays all spare parts of our nozzles and tools. More

New in the Range: H2 Cover Hose for Hydrogen Refuelling

To support the user-friendly refuelling process of hydrogen-powered vehicles, ELAFLEX now offers the H2 Cover Hose. More

'DGC' Couplings new LPG Standard in Africa

LPG tanker applications have now to be equipped with the proven 'DGC' Dry Gas Couplings in South Africa and Egypt. They follow the recommendation of the EN 14420 standard. More

CNG Check Valves with O-Ring Face Seal 'ORFS'

Our daughter company Oasis Engineering now supplies CV300 Check Valves with O-ring Face Seal (ORFS). More

New Configurator for OASIS Products

The CNG product range of our subsidiary OASIS Engineering Ltd can be now configured online. More

Merger of the ELAFLEX HIBY Group

All business and production activities of the companies ELAFLEX-Gummi Ehlers GmbH and ELAFLEX HIBY Tanktechnik GmbH & Co. KG have been brought together to operate under one single umbrella. More

SG-PSB 16: Pump Break with Integrated Sight Glass

For the direct assembling to 'high hose' dispensers we optionally offer the Pump Safety Break SG-PSB 16 with integrated sight glass. More

Low Temperature Nozzle Types & Accessories

Since November 2019, LT accessories for ZVA 25 nozzles are also equipped with seals of red coloured Polyurethane LT compound. More

Dry Hose Delivery Nozzles ZL, Stainless Steel

Dry hose delivery nozzles type 'ZL' are used for the open media transfer such as the filling of drums and IBC containers.  More

Hose Reels for Terminals and Road Tankers

We have extended our product range to include industrial 'Hose Reels – custom-made, for terminals and road tankers, from own production'. More

VTH expert group visits ELAFLEX

ELAFLEX received the members of the VTH expert group of 'Hose and Fitting Technology' for a tour of the companies premises in Hamburg. More

Inter Airport 2019 Review

Elaflex looks back on a successful Inter Airport 2019 show. We want to thank the many customers and visitors at our booth for their interest in our latest aircraft refuelling innovations. More

Nozzle Boot Types for ZVF 50

For the ZVF 50 overwing nozzle Elaflex provides nozzle boot types NB-ZVF 50 for safe installation on board refuellers or dispensers. More

Steam Hose Fittings of Stainless Steel

We have updated our catalogue pages of steam hose couplings and flanged steam fittings. More

Elaflex News @ Inter Airport 2019

Elaflex will be presenting new, additional aviation products in Munich. More

ALJAC joined forces with the ELAFLEX group

Elaflex Hiby Tanktechnik (Hamburg) has acquired a shareholding in Aljac Fuelling Components Limited of Shepperton, UK, since July 2019. More

MannTek has founded subsidiary in China

Elaflex group member MannTek has established an affiliated company in China in order to achieve progress and development in this region. More

Petrol Station Expo 2019 in Germany –
Our Review

The following topics about our vehicle refuelling equipment were the focus of discussions.  More

Lightweight Discharge Hose 'LG' now with
integrated Anti-Kinking Spiral

The lightweight and highly flexible gravity discharge road tanker hose 'LG' for the loading of underground storage tanks has been part of the Elaflex product range since 2016. More

Safety-Cut-Off Tool 'EW CUT'

The safety-cut-off tool 'EW CUT' can be used to safely and easily remove old scuffguards and break sleeves (break covers) of ZVA Slimline nozzles. It avoids injury and should therefore be carried in every toolbox of engineers or ZVA service… More

Ultra Fast Fill System for CNG

Oasis Engineering, a member of the Elaflex group, is a CNG component manufacturer and have developed the Ultra Fast Fill Sytem to transfer CNG from storage, through dispensers to waiting vehicles and trailers. We provide CNG users with the highest… More

Fittings 'Free of Dead Spaces' for Silicone Hoses

For pressure operation, ElaSil® silicone hose assemblies are now also available with fittings to DIN 11851 'free of dead spaces / flared'. ElaSil thus fulfils the highest purity requirements of the Pharma, Foodstuffs and Cosmetics Industries. The… More

ZVF 50 Aircraft Refuelling Nozzle: Ergonomic.
Good Handling.

The ZVF 50 is a manual (non-automatic) HiFLO nozzle for overwing and helicopter refuelling. It is in alignment with the requirements of the JIG guidelines and has convinced in day-to-day practice: More

ZVG 2 K – Autogas Nozzle for Korea & Japan

Elaflex Pacific has extended its Autogas nozzle range with the inclusion of the new ZVG 2 K nozzle with 'Push-On' coupling, suitable for passenger and heavy duty vehicle refuelling in markets utilising the 'J15' fill point receptacle. ZVG 2 K is a… More

MannTek Configurator: New Feature to Simplify Re-Orders

The configurator for MannTek products now also provides the option to search by the part number ("Reverse Search"). The MannTek part number is always laser marked on the 'ID Plate' of each product. Users can directly type-in the number into the… More

Composite Hoses for Cross-Over Prevention Systems

For road tanker fuel deliveries from the terminal to petrol stations, many operators use 'Cross-Over Prevention' systems (COP) which enable data communication between tanker and filling point. For unloading at the petrol station the data are being… More

Elaflex Provides Equipment for the Mobility of the Future - Our UNITI expo 2018 review

Elaflex looks back on a successful UNITI expo 2018 show. Therefore we want to say thank you to the many interesting responses we had in Stuttgart. The international visitors at our booth have received an insight into our refuelling equipment 'From… More

Improved FHD bunkering hose

Elaflex has enhanced the FHD bunkering hose type by adding a yellow longitudinal stripe over the complete hose length. Due to the new marking a twist of the hose can be recognized and adjusted in an early stage during operation, increasing longevity.… More

Elaflex News @ UNITI expo 2018

At least 10 good reasons to visit Elaflex at the UNITI expo 2018 (15 -17 May). We will showcase many novelties and products 'from Terminal to Nozzle' in hall 5, stand 5B06. Please download the Elaflex Information 4.18 for more details. More

EK 145 Product Badges for ZVA nozzles - Improved BadgeSelector online

An improved version of the Elaflex BadgeSelector has been launched. It is used to choose EK 145 Product Badges for ZVA nozzles. This fast online tool, now also provides the selection of integrated Fuel Grade Identification to EN 16492 on Product… More

EASYLOC Cam Locking Couplers with Lever Lock - conform to EN 14420-7

The 'Camlock' product range to EN 14420-7 from our own production has been expanded by female couplers EASYLOC® with automatic lever lock. EASYLOC protects against unwanted opening of the levers and disconnection during operation, e.g. due to… More

PFA Coated Couplings

For the handling of aggressive fluids often stainless steel couplings do not have a sufficient chemical resistance. Therefore, Elaflex offers a coating of Teflon® PFA with universal resistance. This coating serve to inclease resistance to… More

New CV300 Series Check Valve for CNG

Oasis Ltd., a member of the Elaflex group, has released the new CV300 series check valves in March 2018 and has thereby eliminated a common industry wide issue of the poppet chatter caused by turbulence. Turbulances and flow variations are… More

Enhancement of the Image Media Library

The Elaflex media library has been enhanced and updated. Under 'Images' customers and interested parties now have the choice from more than 1000 product and application pictures. The new filtering function heps to obtain an optimal search result. … More

ElaSil Silicone Hose Assemblies

In addition to PTFE-lined 'Elapharm' hoses, the new ElaSil® silicone hose range has become available to complement our product range for pharmaceutical, foodstuff and cosmetics industries. ElaSil is suitable for high media purity requirements, easy… More

Expanded sales structure for CNG products

Oasis Ltd. became member of the Elaflex group in April 2017. The existing distribution structures have now expanded to the whole Elaflex group to encourage cooperation with Oasis Ltd. It incorporates sections of CNG components and systems for… More

APEA 2017 Milestone Award to Elaflex Ltd.

Elaflex Ltd have won the APEA Milestone Award 2017, for '30 years in the UK' at the APEA Live Awards ceremony in November 2017. The award was presented to Anton Martiniussen and his team, by Ross Bingham of Meridian Electrical (Eastern) Ltd. The… More

Warehouse Capacity Expanded at Elaflex Hamburg

At the beginning of October 2017, Elaflex Hamburg opened its new 9 meter high bay (narrow-aisle) warehouse. More

Oasis won two awards from the New Zealand Trade & Enterprise

Oasis Engineering, a member of the Elaflex group, has won two awards for their excellent economic export and engineering work. They have established a strong reputation as a supplier of CNG components and helped to grow and transform New Zealands and… More

New Daughter Company opened in Turkey

We are pleased to announce that ELAFLEX has opened a daughter company in Istanbul, Turkey. ELAFLEX Turkey was established in June 2017 in order to serve the market in Turkey. The subsidiary will be managed by Mr. Batuhan Kiroglu who has a… More

Fuel Grade Identification to EN 16942
for ZVA and ZVG 2 Nozzles

With Directive 2014/94/EU, the European Union decided that the dispenser, vehicle and nozzle need to be marked with fuel grade labels to provide clear information which fuel is suitable for the vehicle. The standard EN 16942 : 2016 has been created… More

CNG Specialist Oasis is Part of the Elaflex Group

In April 2017, ELAFLEX HIBY Tanktechnik has acquired a major stake in Oasis Engineering Ltd of Tauranga (New Zealand). Oasis Engineering Limited is an internationally operating product development company. They have established a strong reputation… More

New Selection Guide in the Hose Configurator

The Elaflex hose configurator is an alternative online platform to our printed catalogue. The requested hose assembly can be configured in a few simple steps – i.g. for an enquiry, technical documentation or easy to find additional information about… More

Equipment Trucks for Dangerous Goods Incidents

Fire brigades or other special forces have special equipment trucks for dangerous goods incidents. As coupling systems and the organisation of civil protection largely differ from country to country, the required equipment is not covered by… More

New adpater KR 50-2½'' for heating oil filler inlet

Tanker operators often have to work with difficult-to-access oil heating filler inlets. Sometimes the filler inlet is positioned within a narrow niche due to a subsequently isolated house walls. The access to under storage tanks (e.g. manhole) are… More

Marine Bunkering and Cargo Hoses

Elaflex is a leading supplier of marine hose assemblies. We supply all required grades and attachment types. bunkering hoses without helix for petroleum based products, e.g. type FHD and type SBL cargo hoses with helix for petroleum based products,… More

Rubber Expansion Joints Type ERV-D

ERV-D is a highly flexible, custom made compensator with full face rubber flanges. This new type extends our ERV rubber expansion joint range. With ERV-D we now offer diameters up to DN 4200 mm. Intermediate sizes such as DN 750 can also be… More

DDC Dust Caps with Pressure Relief Valve to ADR Requirements for Road Tankers

The ADR ( European Agreement on International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, revision 2015 ) prescribes that bottom discharge openings on road tankers shall be equipped with at least three independent shut off devices – two valves and a third… More

New Catalogue Page for AdBlue Refilling Equipment

The new extended catalogue page shows the complete range of our AdBlue® (DEF) refilling equipment. -> Download: Catalogue Page 521a - 521d Our nozzles and accessories can be used for the refilling of heavy and light vehicles: ZVA AdBlue HV for… More

'Camlock' from own Elaflex Production

'Camlock' (Cam Locking) Couplings rank among the most popular fittings in the industry. In recent years there has been a market trend towards ever worsening qualities. If they fail, low price couplings can become very expensive for the operator.… More

Slimline 'SF' and 'AdBlue' Petrol Pump Hoses

We have updated the catalogue page of our Slimline petrol pump hoses and added two new special types. -> Download catalogue page 111 The catalogue page shows additionally new special type hoses: Slimline 'SL SF' - 'Sulphur-free' hose type,… More

ELAFLON PTFE – now also DN 63 and 100 ex stock

Our premium universal hoses ELAFLON PTFE to EN 12115 with electrically conductive, FDA conform lining now are available ex stock also in sizes DN 63 and DN 100. The current range of this hose type ex stock: DN 13 – 19 – 25 – 32 – 38 – 50 – 63 – 75 –… More

New Management of Elaflex Belgium

As of 1st of February, Frank Van der Borst, Managing Director of Elaflex NV in Belgium has gone into a well-deserved retirement. He joined the company in 1995 and was the driving force behind the evolution towards a modern, customer-orientated… More

Configurator for the MannTek Product Range

Elaflex continue to improve their interactive service and has launched new configurator for the MannTek product range. MannTek, based in Sweden, is part of the Elaflex group, and develops and supplies Dry Disconnect Couplings for clean, safe and… More

GasGuard: Handling the Pressure

ELAFLEX PACIFIC PTY, Australia is 'Handling the Pressure' with their well-known 'GasGuard' range of LPGas nozzles, since 1987. From the original concept to today’s production, the dispensing nozzles and accessories continue to provide the LPGas… More

Lever Assembly for ZVA Slimline 2 / GR Nozzles

From June 2016, ZVA Slimline 2 & ZVA Slimline 2 GR nozzles will be supplied with the new lever assembly EA 030.1 for standard and LeverAssist® version. It features improved ergonomics and helps spare part standardisation. The modified lever has a… More

ZVA AdBlue LV: Nozzle for Light Vehicles

More stringent regulations for exhaust emissions within the European Union to achieve the prescribed EURO 6 limits for nitrogen oxides (NOx) lead to the use of AdBlue® or DEF/AUS 32 urea solution (urea-SCR process) for Diesel vehicles. From September… More

Dry Cryogenic Couplings: DCC

In 2012, MannTek introduced their Dry Cryogenic Couplings DCC for a safe and easy to use dry coupling for cryogenic loading operations (LNG and other media, down to -196° C). Today we can say, it is a success story. More than 10.000 successful LNG… More

Cryogenic Breakaway Couplings with remote controlled release: CBC-PERC

The revolutionary MannTek Cryogenic Breakaway Coupling ‘CBC-PERC’ (PERC = Powered Emergency Release Coupling) offers increased safety for cryogenic loading operations of LNG and other media, down to -196° C. Unlike other PERC solutions on the… More

Sulfur-free Petrol Pump Hoses: Type Slimline 'SL SF'

Refineries and Major Oil companies spend considerable effort in fulfilling the maximum allowed sulfur content of 10 mg/kg (corresponding 10 ppm) to EN 228 and EN 590 standard. Elaflex is supporting these endeavours by introducing a new special type… More

Dantec becomes member of the Elaflex group

Elaflex - Gummi Ehlers GmbH has supplied Dantec' composite hoses for several years. In February 2016 we decided to harness our cooperation by acquiring a majority share holding in Dantec Ltd. Dantec is a world leader in composite hose technology,… More

POLYPAL CLEAN cover with OHM conductive stripe

For more than 15 years our universal hose POLYPAL CLEAN has been recognised in the market for its light grey cover and blue-white-blue coloured spiral marking. Our ELAFLON PLUS FEP (up to DN 50) and ELAPHARM OHM G hose types likewise have a grey… More

AdBlue Dispenser Hoses

AdBlue® urea solution ( DEF, AUS 32, ARLA 32 ) to ISO 22241 must fulfill high purity standards. A consistent urea quality must be assured, from 'Terminal to Nozzle'. For the refilling of cars and commercial vehicles at the dispenser Elaflex has… More

Excellent Trainees

Elaflex offers apprenticeships in eight technical and commercial professions at our premises in Hamburg and Plettenberg: We put emphasis on a high quality of business and technical education - e.g. as a… More


Reflecting the partnering of L.G. EQUIPMENT PTY LTD (Australia) with the Elaflex Group in 2010 and the extension of their product range to Elaflex products, the company name has been changed to ELAFLEX PACIFIC PTY LTD in September 2015 Core of its… More

ZVA 2 - Cleanest Diesel Refuelling with DRIP STOP

When refuelling with Diesel, the spout is often covered with Diesel fuel on the outside. As Diesel will not easily evaporate, fuel residue will migrate after hanging the nozzle in the boot onto the nozzle. To avoid this, all ZVA Slimline 2 are… More

ZVA Slimline 2 - Technical Modifications

From production date July 2015, ZVA Slimline 2 nozzle bodies and corresponding spouts are supplied with a modified shape: 1) Bead to reinforce the integrated Diesel Drip Catcher and improved fit of of scuffguard and product sleeve 2) Changed… More

Impact of Fuel Grade Changes on Dispenser Hanging Hardware

When converting petrol stations, existing hoses and nozzles often are reused. Several fuel types have a considerable swelling effect on rubber and plastic materials. Therefore some basic rules must be observed. As a help for your practical… More

Configure ELAPHARM Hose Assemblies Online

ELAPHARM® hose assemblies to DIN 26055-3 (pr EN 16820) withstand permanent high pharmaceutical stresses and guarantee a consistent high level of processes. The philosophy behind ELAPHARM is that all the layers including a 1mm liner of Dupont Teflon… More

'Product Badges' for ZVA: Quicker Selection

Product Badges EK 145 for ZVA nozzles show the selected fuel type, therefore avoid misfuellings. In combination with the use of your company colour or logos they also serve to achieve your marketing goals, without the need for bulky advertising… More

New Shape for Stainless Steel Hose Tails

The connection between hose and fittings should not be the weakest link. The EN 12115 standard for hoses is based on a temperature range of -20 to +65 ° C. Modern rubber hoses are frequently used for media temperatures in excess of +65° C. For this… More

Crimped Ferrules - Not Only for 'Pharma' Applications

Over many decades, our well proven re-usable Spannfix and Spannloc safety clamps have been used for hose assemblies. However in operation, there are also occasional demands for using crimped type ferrules. This is the case, for instance, with… More

Rubber Expansion Joint for Abrasive Media

Rubber expansion joints are used for pumping and piping systems to compensate movements, noise and vibration. For media containing abrasive components, we now offer the new special type 'ERV-BR' made of a highly abrasion resistant special rubber… More

PAL Catalogue Pages

Improved technical documentation for our product range 'PAL Hoses for the Chemical Industry': We created separate catalogue pages for all hose types, including all relevant technical data, drawings of suitable hose couplings and background… More

Brochure 'ERV Rubber Expansion Joints'

Due to their capacity to reduce vibration and noise and compensation of static or dynamic movements, rubber expansion joints are essential components for the construction of pipe systems. Our new brochure 'ERV Rubber Expansion Joints' is addressed… More

Composite Hoses Type FWS

In addition to the renowned product range of quality rubber hoses, Elaflex also offers Type FWS composite hoses for petroleum based products and chemicals. Since beginning of 2015, we offer an extended product range: FWS PP St/St (For the transfer… More

Full catalogue also in other languages available

Our ELAFLEX catalogue is constantly maintained and updated. All catalogue pages are now available in following languages for a better sales support: ELAFLEX catalogue in French-English: Section 1 FR-EN Section 2 FR-EN Section 3 FR-EN Section 4 FR-EN… More

Leaflet 'Product Guide Arab'

The 6 page leaflet with our product range has been extended by the Arab language. Overall, we now offer the product guide in 14 different languages. All 'product guides' can be easily downloaded. More

Crane Lifting Eye for Heavy Hoses

To improve handling of heavy hose assemblies (e.g. bunker hoses), Elaflex offers custom made Crane Lifting Eyes type CLE. The weight of the coupling and a part of the filled hose can be neutralised, to easen connection of the hose assembly. The… More

Urea Solution for Light Vehicles: ZVA AdBlue LV

The comply with the Euro 6 emission standard, most new Diesel-powered Light Vehicles (cars, vans and light commercial vehicles) will be equipped with a small additional tank for AdBlue urea solution. More

Split Clamp Hose Coupling System DN 63-150

New: SPLIT CLAMP Hose Coupling System to MIL-C-24356A standard, for the connection of marine delivery hoses such as Type FHD. More

PSB 16 'Pump Safety Breaks'

Since 2006 we have been offering Pump Safety Breaks PSB 16 for the direct assembling to 'high hose' dispensers. More

New Product line: Dry Cryogenic Couplings

With the newly developed product line DCCouplings it is now possible to load and unload LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) in a wet hose system and significantly reduce the gas emission. More

Overview: LPG Refuelling Equipment

LPG refuelling equipment is subjected to high safety requirements. ELAFLEX supplies suitable equipment for the transfer of Propane, Butane and Autogas. More

DDCouplings® and SBC Couplings®: New Brochures of ELAFLEX / MannTek

Would you like to know more about Dry Disconnect Couplings and Safety Break-away Couplings? These new brochures provide a complete overview about all DDCouplings® and SBCouplings® from ELAFLEX / MannTek. More

ERV Product Configurator

What you see is what you get The ERV Product Configurator from Elaflex makes it quick and easy to select and visualise the required expansion joint. Rubber expansion joints are components for pumping and piping systems, suitable to compensate… More

New premises for ELAFLEX FRANCE

On 14th February 2013, our subsidiary ELAFLEX France moved to a new company building. More

ERV Rubber Expansion Joints: Brief Installation Hints

Precondition for the long operating lifetime of our ERV is a proper installation. More

Latin Amercia: New Commercial Director for Brazil

To support our sales team in Latin Amercia Mr. Edson Garcia took up his duties as Commercial Director. He will cover the Brazilian territory. More

ERV Rubber Expansion Joints, 42 sizes

Did you know? Since the end of 2011 our rubber expansion joints 'Type ERV' are also available in size DN 450 mm, either in length 200 und 250 mm. More

Achema 2012, After Show Report

At the Achema 2012 exhibition, Elaflex presented the current development stage of its new product line ELAPHARM®: hose assemblies to the DIN 26055-3 Standard. More

PEI Membership for Elaflex Latin America

Our daughter company ELAFLEX LATIN AMERICA S.A. Buenos Aires/Argentina started in 2009 to market the complete Elaflex product range in Central and South America. More

Elaflex @ InterAirport Munich, 11.-14 October

For the seventh time, we will participate at the leading event for the aircraft industry. You will find us on stand 426 in hall B6 at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre. More

Photo Contest Application Photos, the Results

To all participants of our photo contest, thank you for so many good pictures of Elaflex products in action. More

GasGuard Nozzles for LPG

Since 2010, L.G.Equipment (Australia) with their renown GasGuard LPG nozzles is part of the Elaflex group. To complement the Elaflex ZVG 2 range, four GasGuard nozzle types are now part of our regular product range: GG1E ACME (for ACME filler necks,… More

Improvements for Marine Hoses with reattachable fittings

Our marine hoses STW 125 and 150 are now available in a coil length of up to 40 metres. More

Product Badges - new series e.g. for 'E 10'

In the beginning of 2011, Germany introduced additional 'Super' fuel types with Ethanol content of up to 10% (E10), additional to the standard types with Ethanol content up to 5%. More

This was Automechanika 2010

Automechanika, Frankfurt, is the leading biannual exhibition for car parts, repair and service and took place from September 14.-19. Traditionally, hall 10.0 is reserved for companies from the petrol retailing equipment sector - dispenser… More

ZVG 2 Nozzle for LPG

Some current information about our new LPG nozzle ZVG 2, update January 2011. More

Product Badges for ZVA nozzles - now full colour, from 50 pieces

Now we are able to manufacture ZVA Product Badges (EK 145) with your custom made design from 50 pieces - in full colour. More

LeverAssist for ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR

Over the decades, the fuel nozzle has developed from a simple manual valve to a lightweight automatic nozzle with a number of safety features. Self-service has become commonplace. More

ELAFLEX HIBY Tanktechnik GmbH & Co. KG (EHT)

ELAFLEX und HIBY: a strong partnership. So far, our business unit for petrol station equipment such as ZVA nozzles, petrol pump hoses and refuelling accessories traded under the name ELAFLEX Tankstellentechnik GmbH & Co. (ETT). More

ZVG 2: Atex certified

Our new ZVG 2 nozzles for L.P. Gas (Autogas) are now officially ATEX certified. More

ELAFLON PTFE: Proven Universal Hose with Teflon® Liner

The versatile material PTFE is known as hose lining material for many years. Until now, users normally had to compromise when choosing a PTFE-lined hose - with regards of flexibility, safe electrical dissipation, suitability for pharmaceuticals and… More

ERV Rubber Expansion Joints: please order our new brochure

ERV Rubber Expansion Joints (compensators) can be found in the ELAFLEX catalogue under Section 4. More

Hose Accessories

In daily operation, hose assemblies are stressed: for example by frequent and severe bending, outer abrasion and torsion. More

Safety Break for AdBlue (DEF) Urea Solution

Refuelling with 'AdBlue' urea solution (or as in the U.S., DEF - Diesel Exhaust Fluid) is not unlike standard diesel refuelling. Sometimes drivers may be distracted and leave the nozzle in the filler pipe and inadvertently drive off. More

Latin America: New Daughter Company from 1/2009

We would like to announce that from 1st of January 2009, Mr Frank De Poli opened our subsidiary in Buenos Aires. More

FLUORFLEX 2 : PTFE/EPDM Universal Helical Hose

New generation high performance chemical hose More

Deprecative Prize for ZVA Copies from China

Just like in the General Industry, manufacturers of petrol station equipment are affected by Chinese product copies. More

Urea (AdBlue) refilling interface

Recently the draft ISO/DIS 22241-4 for fuel tank and nozzle interface for refuelling with AUS32 (AdBlue urea solution) was published. More

TW couplings with Safeguard Lever - fully compatible

Since decades, stainless steel tank truck couplings according to DIN 28450 (EN 14420-6) standard are in wide use for the transfer of dangerous goods in the chemical industry. More

A little genius: the ultra flexible FLUORline hose

Achema 2006 A further novelty - the super-flexible multi purpose hose "EFL" (FLUORline). More

Filling up solvents: vapour recovery

Achema 2006 On our stand we presented the first active vapour recovery for automatic nozzles, for the use with solvents. It is a new approach to protect operator and environment. More

'NR' Hose Fittings

Ferrule type hose fittings for hoses DN 16-25 now are also available as non-reattachable type. More

All ZVA installation and operating manuals now in 6 languages

At last, also the manual for our high performance nozzle ZVA 32 has been updated. More

Biodiesel - Mix - Vegetable Oils

Information 8.05 shows the right choice of petrol station hoses and nozzles for the fuel types. More

Overwing Refuelling with Avgas/JET: mark your nozzle

Overwing refuelling of helicopters and smaller aircraft is effected with either Avgas (aircraft gasoline) or with JET fuel (similar to highly pure Diesel). More

Information 3.05 - Pump Safety Break PSB

Safety Breaks do protect dispenser, hose assembly and car in case of drive-offs which occur quite often, due to "forgettable" customers. More

Information 2.05: TW Couplings of Brass / Quality Comparison

Recently, brass TW quick couplings made in the Far East appeared on the market which are not complying to the DIN 28450 standard. More

Hoses + Fittings - Changes and Improvements

Information 1.05E reports about important changes and improvements of our hoses and fittings product range. More

ARK 19 - The better safety break for LP gas

Since twenty yeas ELAFLEX offers the Autogas safety break coupling ARK 19. ARK 19 have been in use on LPG dispensers worldwide without any failures. More

ZVA AdBlue HV for the refuelling with urea

AdBlue (urea solution) serves for the exhaust cleaning of commercial Diesel vehicles with SRC catalysators. This will be necessary due to the EURO 4 / 5 standards. More

"Stage II" Brochure: Vapour Recovery at Petrol Stations

This brochure serves as an introduction to vapour recovery at petrol stations (Stage II). In concise form the options to control the vapour return rate and the ELAFLEX components for active vapour recovery are explained. More

SSB 25: Safety Swivel Break for ZVA 25

We present : the new Safety Swivel Break SSB 25. This reusable nozzle break coupling for the ZVA 25 Hiflow nozzle is designed to reduce equipment damage on high flow dispensers, i.e. Truck Stops, in the event of a drive-off. More

BLUE BAND solvent hose: new improved type

BLUE BAND is a highly flexible rubber hose for the general transfer of solvents, paints and varnishes. More

Vapour Recovery Couplings for Road Tankers - E.U. Standard for Gantry Side Loading

For gantry side loading with gasoline a special 4" cam locking coupler must be used.Road tankers have to be equipped with the male coupler which is not available by ELAFLEX. More

Ozone: Please Close the Ends of Unused Refuelling Hoses

The tube of refuelling hoses is normally of NBR. This elastomer has a weak resistance against ozone. Without protection, the effect of ozone may cause cracks within the tube. More

"LPG 16" - Standard Hose for L. P. Gas Dispensers

Based on decades of experience in quality petrol pump hoses we have developed a new hose type DN 16 mm for Liquefied Petroleum Gas dispensers. "LPG 16" has got what it takes to become the standard Autogas hose. More

Brass and Stainless Steel Swivels

The use of swivel hose inlets avids torsion of hose assemblies and improves the handling and coupling of nozzles. More

Better looks of MPD dispensers, free of charge

For the colour coding of hose lines DN 16 (for Diesel) previously long colour sleeves were used. Situated next to the modern short colour sleeves DN 21 (Vapour Recovery) of polyurethane the look of the dispenser was not homogeneous. More