Information 3.05 - Pump Safety Break PSB
Safety Breaks do protect dispenser, hose assembly and car in case of drive-offs which occur quite often, due to "forgettable" customers.
Unlike the big "Hose Breaks" known from the United States, which need a connecting hose and can not be used for MPD dispensers with hose retrievers, ELAFLEX offers since 15 years compact, reusable safety breaks with integrated swivel (SSB 16, SSB 25, SSB 32, ESB 16). These "Nozzle Breaks" are mounted at the nozzle.
For High Hose Dispensers ELAFLEX offers an alternative. The Pump Safety Break PSB is a "Pump Break" installed directly at the top outlet of the dispenser. After a separation it can be reassembled without special tool by an authorised service engineer.
For further details please download Information 3.05.