Cryogenic Breakaway Couplings with remote controlled release: CBC-PERC
The revolutionary MannTek Cryogenic Breakaway Coupling ‘CBC-PERC’ (PERC = Powered Emergency Release Coupling) offers increased safety for cryogenic loading operations of LNG and other media, down to -196° C.
Unlike other PERC solutions on the market it combines the active safety features of a PERC with the passive safety features known from MannTek’s breaking pin type breakaways, which are successfully used world wide.
CBC-PERC is a powered version of the CBC with the advantage that it can be released by external overload or manually operated. In case of a remote controlled release, a pressurized gas cylinder will open and gas pressure will release the breaking bolts.
MannTek's PERC system correspond to the EN1474-1:2008 standard.
Breakaway Couplings CBC and the reliable and well proven Dry Cryogenic Couplings DCC – an unbeatable combination for the safe and "easy to use" LNG transfer. Please contact our sales team with your particular application requirements.