TW couplings with Safeguard Lever - fully compatible
Since decades, stainless steel tank truck couplings according to DIN 28450 (EN 14420-6) standard are in wide use for the transfer of dangerous goods in the chemical industry.
The male coupler (VK) usually is mounted on the pipe / truck side. The female coupler (MK) is commonly used on the hose side.
Male and female coupler are interlocked after the lever is put down. If the lever is lifted accidentally, the coupling lock is not in function anymore. To avoid the possibility of a loosening of the coupling due to pulsation or vibration of the refuelling system, ELAFLEX developed the "Active Safeguard Lever". After putting the lever down, it is automatically fixed. An inadvertent lifting of the lever during operation is positively avoided. To open the coupling a slider has to be pushed (one-handed action).
The new system (patent DE 102006022662) is available since February 2007 in the sizes DN 80 and DN 100.
The couplings are fully compatible to other fittings according to DIN 28450 (EN 14420-6) standard. Male couplers or existing crown pieces of female couplers do not have to be changed.
-> Type MK-A...SS: Catalogue Page 313 download
-> Type TWM-A...SS: Catalogue Page 315 download
-> TW Hose Couplings with Spannfix / Spannloc - now also with Active Safeguard Lever: Catalogue Pages 249-250 and Catalogue Pages 251-252.